Castlemont Elementary School

School News

Updated Fri, Mar 14th

Hello Castlemont Parents,

Get your students smiles ready for Spring Picture Day! It will be Monday, March 24th.

Generations School Photography will send your child's proof via email 2 weeks after picture day. All ordering is done online and they will be shipped to your home address. See flyer below for details.

Thank you


Hola padres de Castlemont,

¡Prepare las sonrisas de sus estudiantes para el día de la fotografía escolar de Primavera! Será el lunes 24 de marzo.
La fotografía escolar de Generations enviará la prueba de su hijo por correo electrónico 2 semanas después del día de la fotografía. Todos los pedidos se realizan en línea y se enviarán a su domicilio. Consulte el folleto a continuación para ver más detalles.


Updated Mon, Mar 24th

Hello Castlemont Families,

March 17th to 21st is Spirit Week. Please see attachment with our Spirit Week daily theme. 

Thank you


Hola familias de Castlemont,

La semana del 17 al 21 de marzo, es la Semana de Espíritu Escolar. Consulte el archivo adjunto con el tema diario de la Semana.


Updated Fri, Feb 21st

Hello Castlemont Families,

Castlemont Elementary School is excited to announce its upcoming Literacy Night on February 26, 2025. This event will provide parents and caregivers with valuable insights and practical strategies to support their child's reading development at home. The night will feature games, crafts, interactive play, and a goody bag to take home. The first 50 families will receive a FREE GIVEAWAY.

The focus of the evening will be on foundational reading skills, the essential building blocks for reading success. 

  • Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
  • Time: 6:30 - 7:30
  • Location: MU

This event is free and open to all Castlemont Elementary families.

Question Contact Jacqueline Hart: jahart [at]


Hola familias de Castlemont,

La escuela primaria Castlemont se complace en anunciar su próxima Noche de alfabetización centrada en las habilidades básicas de lectura, que se llevará a cabo el 26 de febrero de 2025. Este evento brindará a los padres y cuidadores información valiosa y estrategias prácticas para apoyar el desarrollo de la lectura de sus hijos en el hogar. La noche contará con juegos, manualidades, juegos interactivos y una bolsa de regalos para llevar a casa. Las primeras 50 familias recibirán un REGALO GRATIS.

El enfoque de la velada se centrará en las habilidades de lectura fundamentales, los pilares esenciales para el éxito en la lectura.

  • Fecha: miércoles 26 de febrero de 2025
  • Hora: 6:30 - 7:30
  • Ubicación: MU

Este evento es gratuito y abierto a todas las familias de Castlemont Elementary.

Preguntas Contacte a Jacqueline Hart: jahart [at]


Updated Fri, Feb 21st

Get in the groove by rockin’ your fluorescents and bust a move on over to the Castlemont MU Room for Back to 80's Family Dance on Friday, March 7th at 6-8 pm.  Pre-order tickets are $8 each and will not be sold at the door.   Only 300 tickets are available, so order early!  All children must be accompanied by a parent. This is a teacher sponsored fundraiser to raise money for  classrooms.  Come rock your 80’s apparel and join us for an evening of some rad fun! Donations of soda, water, and juice would be appreciated and can be sent to the office.

Thanks for your support!


Ponte en onda con tus ropa fluorescentes y muévete en el salón Castlemont MU para el baile familiar Back to 80's el viernes 7 de marzo de 6 a 8 p. m. Las entradas para reservar con anticipación cuestan $8 cada una y no se venderán en la puerta. Solo hay 300 entradas disponibles, ¡así que haz tu pedido con anticipación! Todos los niños deben estar acompañados por un padre. Esta es una recaudación de fondos patrocinada por maestros para recaudar dinero para las aulas. ¡Ven a lucir tu ropa de los 80 y únete a nosotros para una noche de diversión increíble! Se agradecerán las donaciones de refrescos, agua y jugos y se pueden enviar a la oficina.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Profesores de Castlemont
Updated Mon, Feb 17th

Hello Castlemont Parents and Caregivers,
We are always looking for ways to improve, and your opinions, ideas, and feedback are an important part of this process. Please take four minutes to take our
 School Experience Survey.    You can also access the survey using the QR code:
Our staff and our 3rd-5th grade students are also taking the survey.

Thank you!
Kristen Kimoto Prindle

Updated Wed, Feb 5th

Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:

Dates: Monday 2/10, Wednesday 2/12, and Friday 2/14 during lunch recess and after school.
Location: Library

More information can be found on our school’s Book Fair homepage:

While you’re there, you can set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. 

When you fund an eWallet, you’ll also have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called “Share the Fair.” These contributions will go directly towards providing one free book (under $7) to every student at Castlemont during the Fair.


We still need volunteers to make it happen! Please email me at: ahenry [at] () if you would like to help out.

Happy reading!


Mandy Henry

Library/Media Instructional Assistant

ahenry [at] ()

Updated Thu, Nov 28th

Visit our AIM Blog here:

Updated Wed, Nov 6th

Our annual Halloween Costume Parade will be this Thursday, October 31st from 8:30-9:00. Students will walk in a loop on our blacktop area.  We ask that visitors stand on the outside of the students circling the blacktop.  You will have numerous opportunities to see your student pass by. 

If your family chooses to participate, please send your child to school with their costume on over their clothes-- they will be removing their costumes immediately after the parade. For safety and school appropriateness, we do not permit masks, blood or "gore," or any kind of simulated weapons (including swords, guns, knives, axes, etc.)

We will have a seasonal activity in the library for all students who choose not to participate in the parade. 

We hope you can join us!

Halloween Flyer (English & Spanish)


Updated Mon, Oct 21st

Hello Castlemont Families,

October 14th to 18th is Spirit Week. Please see attachment with our Fall Spirit Week daily theme. 

Thank you


Hola familias de Castlemont,

La semana del 14 al 18 de Octubre, es la Semana de Espíritu Escolar de Otoño. Consulte el archivo adjunto con el tema diario de la Semana.
