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Upcoming Events

Continuous improvement at your child's school

Parent feedback is an important factor for our decisions about your child's school experience.
That's why we're hoping all of our parents and guardians will participate in our annual survey.

This video gives you a glimpse of the difference it makes!

Board Memo for January 23, 2025 - Campbell Union School District

​ ​ BOARD MEMO HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MEETING ON JANUARY 23, 2025 ​ ​ ​ ​   ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Village School Staff Growth Drives Student Growth ​ Principal Alicia Mommer shared the school’s Continuous Improvement Update,…

Campbell Union School District
Woman stands and speaks at podium as 7 men and women listen.
Village School Staff Growth Drives Student Growth
Principal Alicia Mommer shared the school’s Continuous Improvement Update, highlighting efforts to empower both students and staff. In response to the school’s survey data, staff are working to strengthen students’ sense of belonging and mutual respect while expanding their own skills in culturally responsive teaching. By prioritizing effective communication and empathy, the school has improved collaboration between students and staff. View the presentation slides for more details.

Successful Students

New After-School Enrichment Classes Approved
The Board approved new after school engineering and art enrichment classes proposed by the Expanded Learning Department. The classes will be fee-based, 8-week sessions offered at Blackford, Campbell School of Innovation, Capri, Castlemont, Forest Hill, Lynhaven, Marshall Lane, Sherman Oaks, and Rolling Hills.


Safe and Adaptive Infrastructure

Engaged Families and Communities

District Prepares for 2025-26 Enrollment Changes
Chief Business Officer Bharathi Lakshmanan presented the latest enrollment projections and school capacity plans. The data shows enrollment will likely decline further in 2025-26 and 2026-27 due to demographic trends and lower birth rates. For 2025-26, the district anticipates 88 fewer students. Despite this decline, schools are ready to accommodate the additional transitional kindergarten (TK) classrooms required for the upcoming school year. See the presentation slides for details.

Donors Provide Generous Support
The Board accepted $13,600 in donations for Blackford, Sherman Oaks, CSI, Castlemont, and CUSD Student Services. These donations came from the Assistance League of Los Gatos-Saratoga, Blackbaud Giving Fund, Campbell Police Officers Association, Castlemont Home & School Club, Hilda Garcia Leon, and Synopsis of Silicon Valley Foundation. Thank you donors!

County Approves District Budget with Positive Certification
The Santa Clara County Office of Education approved the district’s First Interim Budget Report with a positive certification. This certification confirms the district’s financial stability for the current and next two fiscal years.

2025-26 School Year Calendar Approved
The Board adopted the 2025-26 Employee Work Year Calendar. Assistant Superintendent Melissa Theide shared that the calendar was developed with input from CUSD labor groups and aligns with key dates in the Campbell Union High School District calendar. See the calendar presentation.

head shots of 5 board members
Next Meeting: February 13, 2025
Governing Board:
Danielle M.S. Cohen,
Chris Miller,
Richard Nguyen,
William Slade,
Don Thorvund
Dr. Shelly Viramontez
CampbellUSD’s Board Memo is published within one week of regular board meetings and does not represent officially approved meeting minutes. For official minutes, agendas, and other information about the governing Board, please visit our website.

Message from the Superintendent re: PowerSchool Cyberattack

Dear Families: Yesterday, January 7, 2025, we were informed by PowerSchool, our Student Information System (SIS) platform,  that they experienced an international cyber attack at the end of December. This afternoon, our data team was invited to a…

Dear Families:

Yesterday, January 7, 2025, we were informed by PowerSchool, our Student Information System (SIS) platform, that they experienced an international cyber attack at the end of December. This afternoon, our data team was invited to a webinar by PowerSchool to learn more about the situation. We have confirmed that some of our data was accessed. Fortunately, the disclosed information did not include any students’ Social Security Numbers. 

Essentially, the data accessed was the student's name, birthdate, address and similar information.  The discernable data fields accessed can be found here.

In the webinar, PowerSchool  shared their corrective actions and confidence that there is no further threat to the data.

While there is no indication that student passwords were compromised, we will supplement our daily monitoring system by providing students with new passwords in the next few days. 

We have worked extensively to ensure security in our data systems, such as implementing a Multi-Factor Authentication process, geographic restrictions, suspicious login protections and other security measures. It is unfortunate that, in spite of these efforts, our data was accessed as part of the PowerSchool cyberattack. We will continue to work to ensure our data is secure and will ensure our Student Information System increases security protections. 

PowerSchool is monitoring the situation, has engaged a cybersecurity remediation company to prevent future incidents, and will provide our staff with updates for our community. For questions related to PowerSchool’s security procedures, please visit PowerSchool’s website or email Security [at]

A Message from the Superintendent

Dear Parents and Guardians, As we approach the winter break, we want to take a moment to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. This is a special time of year, and we hope it brings you opportunities to create happy memories together. We…

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we approach the winter break, we want to take a moment to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. This is a special time of year, and we hope it brings you opportunities to create happy memories together.

We also want to express our gratitude for your ongoing partnership in your child’s education. We greatly appreciate all of your efforts in ensuring your child has attended school as much as possible so far this year.

We understand that families sometimes wish to extend their time together by planning vacations that last longer than the dates assigned to the school break. While we fully appreciate the value of family time, we want to encourage you to limit trips and vacations to the days indicated on the school calendar for the break. By doing so, you help your child stay on track academically and ensure they don’t miss out on valuable learning opportunities.

Thank you for being mindful of this and for continuing to prioritize your child’s attendance and education. 

Wishing you a safe and happy winter break, and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready to learn in the new year!

Warm regards,

Dr. Shelly Viramontez