Castlemont Elementary School

E-News Service Includes E-flyers

Our school uses an electronic news system to send weekly information home to families. This system allows parents and guardians to receive via email the kind of weekly information that used to be in student backpacks: school news, calendars, correspondence, and flyers about activities and programs. Now that information can go directly to parents and guardians who subscribe to the e-news service.

The company providing part of the distribution service is called Peachjar. You may have received a welcome email from Peachjar that contained log in information. You do not need to login to receive or view school flyers. It is an option for those who wish to manage their own settings.

Our e-news system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved information. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.

If you have questions about our new e-news distribution service, please contact the school office or email Marla Sanchez at msanchez [at]