Important Dates in August and September
Enjoy your summer, but first, please mark these important dates on your calendar! The first day of the 18-19 school year is Wednesday, August 22nd. You can download a PDF of the 2018-19 calendar here.
Tuesday, August 14
KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP - Watch your mail during the second week of August for more information about your appointment for Kindergarten Roundup. You will have an appointment for your Kindergartener for an assessment by a Castlemont teacher for approximately 20 minutes. If you are unable to make your appointment, your child will be assessed after school starts.
Tuesday, August 21 by 5:00 pm
CLASS LISTS POSTED AT SCHOOL AND ON-LINE - You will need your student's five digit student ID number. For privacy, no names will be listed.
Wednesday, August 22
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - School begins at 8:20 am. The campus opens and adult supervision begins at 8:00 am. Wednesdays are minimum days at Castlemont. So, TK through 3rd grade will be dismissed at 1:30 and 4th and 5th grades will be dismissed at 1:35. (Regular dismissal times on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be 2:30 for TK through 3rd grades and 2:35 for 4th and 5th grades.)
KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION - At 8:35 am, after you have dropped off your child in the classroom, come to the Multi-Use room to learn about the Kindergarten Program from the Principal.
Tuesday, September 11
Have a great summer!