Message from Principal, Eric Brown
Traffic Concerns
Student drop off and pick up continues to be a focus at Castlemont. We want our students safe and the flow of traffic to be as stress free as possible. To help divert traffic congestion, we are encouraging parents to use the side streets to park and walk to school as an alternative. When walking, and for the safety of everyone, please take the extra few minutes to use the crosswalk.
If you use Payne Avenue, there is a designated drop off zone (white painted curb) near the staff parking lot where you can drop off your child. You cannot park your car and leave it in the drop off zone. There is also an area on Barkwood Avenue that can be used, providing cars not park or block the designated bus lane.
Remember the parking lot on Payne is for staff and handicap parking only. No pick up or drop off.
The parking lot on the corner of Barkwood and Castlemont Avenues has a student drop off and pick up lane, as well as a drive through lane. It is extremely important that children do not enter or exit vehicles from the drive through lane. Doing so could cause traffic accidents and children may be injured.
Again, use the crosswalks when walking, and obey all signs and curbs that indicate No Parking zones. The SJPD, as well as parking enforcement, have been notified about the congestion times before and after school. Please help us protect our students by following traffic laws in school zones.