A Message from Principal Sarratt
October 13, 2015:
It was great to see so many of our students and parents walking or rolling to school last Wednesday, during the International Walk and Bike to School Day. It was a huge success for the Castlemont community.
Remember these tips from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration.
When crossing the street your child should always:
- Cross at a corner or an intersection
- Stop at the edge of parked cars, the curb, or other vehicles
- Look LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT for moving cars
- Cross when clear, and keep looking left and right
- Walk, don’t run or dart into the street
- Look for signs that a car is about to move (rear lights, exhaust smoke, sound of motor, wheels turning)
- Walk alertly; use your eyes and your ears to increase your safety.
- It’s also important to demonstrate the good behaviors you want your child to practice.