New Lunch Policy - Visitors
Castlemont School has changed its lunchtime visitor policy, beginning Tuesday, January 3. Lunchtime provides your child the opportunity to socialize with his/her peers as they eat independently. It is also a wonderful extension of the classroom where social learning takes place. In order to allow your student this social success at lunchtime, VISITORS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT LUNCH or RECESS, unless approved by the classroom teacher and the administration on a special occasion circumstance. Please be aware that the time you spend with your child during his/her lunchtime, can affect how he/she interacts and behaves with his/her peers. It may increase separation anxiety with your child as well as inhibit him/her from socializing with other students. Our number one focus is on your child’s education and social/emotional development and therefore it’s imperative that you encourage your child to be independent and learn how to eat and socialize with his/her fellow peers.
We have ample coverage at recess and lunchtime, so your child is in good hands. We understand that it can be difficult to allow your child this independence, however we firmly believe the more you allow your child to eat on his/her own and socialize, the more your child will begin to navigate social situations and feel a sense of empowerment.
Please note this new policy will go into effect Tuesday, January 3, 2017. Thank you so much for your continued support of Castlemont and our students.