Reduce Holiday Stress
As the holidays approach, so does the stress, especially for children. Here are some helpful tips that may help you reduce stress in your household.
Limit TV and video games — It's very easy at this time of the year to allow the TV and video games to become the babysitter, but children who are stressed also need physical activity or exercise.
Remember routines — For parents of small children this is especially good advice. During the holidays children will find their routines disrupted. They are often dragged along on shopping expeditions or taken to events over which they have no control. And when a routine is broken, stress can result.
Nutrition — Plan at least one healthy meal as a family every day. When shopping, don't forget to toss in a healthy snack for you and your child.
Family traditions — Family traditions offer great comfort and security for children when everything in their lives is being disrupted by the holiday season.
Attitude check — Take a deep breath and have everyone in the family pledge to make the holiday season a time of joy and peace.