Castlemont Elementary School

State Testing to Begin in April

This year, our students in grades 3–8 will participate in the statewide testing program called the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). The tests in the CAASPP System provide information to teachers, parents/guardians, and students about students’ progress and readiness for college and career.

Our school’s testing dates are:

  • 3rd-4th grades May 2 - May 20
  • 5th grade  April 25 - May 20

A letter from our Superintendent about the tests is online at

The tests for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics are:

  • Smarter Balanced tests, or
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAAs)*

Science assessments (students in grades 5 and 8 only) are:

  • California Standards Test (CST) for Science, or
  • California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science*

For tips on how to help your child do well on tests, go to or ask your child’s teacher.

If you would like more information about the CAASPP System, please visit the Parent/Student tab of the CDE’s CAASPP Web page at

For more information or resources about alternate assessments, please visit the CDE’s CAASPP Alternate Assessments Web page at

If you have questions about your child’s participation in CAASPP, or your right to have your child opt out of testing, please contact the principal of your child’s school.

* Students with individualized education plans (IEP) are eligible to take the CAA and the CMA as indicated in the IEP.