COMING SOON: Special Schedule for Conferences
Mark your calendar!!!
Students will be dismissed very early during the week of October 15 - October 19
Grades TK-3 dismissed at 12:30
Grades 4-5 dismissed at 12:35
This will provide parents more opportunities for school progress discussions with teachers about their child's report card and school progress.
Please note the special bell schedule shown below and plan accordingly.
For the week of October 15 - October 19:
School Starts (all students): 8:20
Lunch Times:
TK & K: 11:20 - 11:50
1st Grade: 11:30 - 12:00
2nd Grade: 11:40 - 12:10
3rd Grade: 11:45 - 12:15
4th Grade: 11:50 - 12:20
5th Grade: 11:55 - 12:25