Castlemont Elementary School

Classroom Mission Statements

Ms. Prindle explains the importance of our new classroom mission statements. Ask your student about the one they helped create in their classroom!

     At Castlemont, we believe that learning is a collaborative process where students play an active role in shaping their own education. To foster this belief, we implement our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is a framework that promotes positive behavior and reduces negative behaviors through proactive teaching, reinforcement, and intervention strategies.

     To help students understand the importance of PBIS and how it applies to their daily lives, each classroom has been working on creating a unique mission statement. These mission statements serve as a guiding principle for students and teachers, outlining the expectations for behavior and how we can work together to create a positive and respectful learning community.

     The mission statements are developed collaboratively by teachers and students, allowing for input from all members of the classroom. This shared process not only helps students understand the PBIS expectations but also empowers them to take ownership of their behavior and contribute to a positive school culture.

     By involving students in the creation of their mission statements, we are striving to elevate learner agency and make classroom improvement a shared process. Our goal is for students to be active participants and guides in their own learning, and the mission statements are an important step toward achieving this goal.

     As we continue to implement our continuous improvement, we encourage you to ask your student about the mission statement they helped create in their classroom. By understanding and supporting these statements, we can work together to create a school where all students feel safe, respected, and valued.