Castlemont Elementary School

A Exciting Start

Ms. Prindle shares news from the Castlemont campus.

Hello Castlemont Families,

What a great first week we have had. With the return of greater normalcy, we were able to hold our Family Picnic on Tuesday evening.  It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying each other's company-- children playing on the play structure and joining impromptu relay races led by parents, picnic blankets all over our field, and lines of people for Manzi's Venezuelan Cuisine and Kona Ice. We received a great deal of positive feedback and had multiple requests to do it again, which we would love to do!

Our next invitation to you is to Back to School Night next Tuesday, August 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.  Please join us in the Multi-Use Room (MU) at 6:00 for an introduction to our 3rd-5th grade teachers and other Castlemont community information. You will be able to visit your child's classroom immediately after the meeting. We will repeat this plan at 7:00 for our TK-2nd grade parents.  

In September, Mrs. Bell and I will hold our first Coffee with the Principals of the year. Parent-Teacher conferences are in early October. Our Home and School Club sponsored Jog-a-thon has been moved to late October -- more details to come. Many more community events are in the planning stages right now. Stay tuned!

We are looking forward to seeing all of you on campus this year!

Yours sincerely,
