Castlemont Elementary School

Principal's Message Week of October 30th

Ms. Prindle shares news and events for the week.

Hello Castlemont Families,

October has been a busy month, and November will be active as well.  First, I want to acknowledge the beautiful organization and hard work that our Home and School Club did in organizing our Jogathon last Friday.  All of our students and staff enjoyed the day, and we will soon find out how much was earned for our school.  In the afternoon after Jogathon, we had a special treat. The Del Mar High School Marching Band gave us a live show our on our playground.  It was great for our students to see what they can choose to do in the future. One of our goals is parent engagement, so I absolutely loved seeing so many of our family members in attendance!  

We have further opportunities to be active in our community this week. Tomorrow is our Costume Parade from 8:30 ~ 9:00 am.  Families are welcome and encouraged to join us on the blacktop to see our students in the parade.  Please see the Halloween article on this webpage for further details.

Our next community event this week will be our Dia de Los Muertos celebration. We will be creating an ofrenda in the MU windows facing the plaza. If you would like to contribute to the ofrenda, please send your child to school with a photo(s). We will invite students to bring their photos down to the MU during the first 10 minutes of school this week. The ofrenda will remain up through November 9th. 

We hope to see you this week!

Yours sincerely,
